Our story

Passion for the sea and the crafts

In 1978, the innovative fisherman and farmer Torstein Hansen from Fiskebøl experienced taking part in the oil adventure when the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority suddenly stood at the door with a large contract worth millions.

A few years earlier, in 1974 Torstein developed the Ring-Boom to collect oil spills in the local area where fish farms and the lifeblood were located.

Now the national oil spill preparedness was to be ensured and Torstein Hansen’s invention became the solution.

The idea behind Ring-Boom was to apply the same principles as ring nets for fishing – focusing on extreme wave following characteristics. This proved to be a
giant leap in the effectiveness of the oil boom technology.

From that day the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority awarded the million contract, Torstein got started immediately and put the whole family to work. The animals in the barn were replaced with sewing machines, welding equipment and twine.

An oil spill response adventure started the day Torstein with his courage, work ethic, ingenuity and care for the sea was to be inherited. The passion for the sea and the value of traditions, knowledge and craftsmanship are today the backbone of LoVeMar.

Terje Olav and Michal, son and grandson of Torstein, were both to take with them and build on the local know-how, experience and technology from fishing and oil spill response and from their father and grandfather.

Together, Terje Olav Hansen and Michal Reinholdtsen establish LoVeMar, a local company with a global market that ensures efficient clean-up of marine plastic debris in seas, rivers and beaches with in-house developed solutions and products.